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dc.contributor.advisorGonzález Alonso, Jesús Francisco-
dc.contributor.advisorDesfrancois, Pierre Gilles-
dc.identifier.citationARTURO MONAR ALEJANDRA ARACELY (2017). Diseño de un Plan De Marketing para la Empresa “Speak Out. Quito. UISRAEL. Administración de Empresas. 85p. Quito: Universidad Israel, 2017 PhD. González Alonso, Jesús UISRAEL-EC-ADME-378.242-005es_ES
dc.descriptionSpeak Out is a company that offers teaching the English language to a specific niche market, which satisfies the existing needs. With the passing of time there are several companies that offer the same service (the competition), therefore the company must find factors that compete in the market and with it do not lower the demand for it. The objective of this research is to find tools and strategies that help the company stay in the market and excel in the competition. The factors investigated were the main reasons for publicity; On the knowledge of the company, the media used by the establishments to disseminate information about the company with the help of promoting it, among other elements that help our research. The methodology used was through surveys, the technique was carried out to 118 clients of the company and 298 possible clients. The results reflect the need for more information about the company, to improve its advertising; So it was necessary to use strategies such as: website, merchandising and brand activations dedicated to the place, in order to combat the difficulty. Meters such as Google+, Google analytics, Google My Business and Bit.ly; For the control of strategies.es_ES
dc.description.abstractARTURO MONAR ALEJANDRA ARACELY (2017). Diseño de un Plan De Marketing para la Empresa “Speak Out. Quito. UISRAEL. Administración de Empresas. 85p. Quito: Universidad Israel, 2017 PhD. González Alonso, Jesús UISRAEL-EC-ADME-378.242-005es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad Israel, 2017es_ES
dc.subjectGoogle analyticses_ES
dc.subject, Google My Business y Bit.ly;es_ES
dc.subjectcontrol de las estrategias.es_ES
dc.titleDiseño de un Plan De Marketing para la Empresa “Speak Outes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis Carrera Administración Empresas 2023

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